Do you know a simple way to make Danish pastry at home? Let’s talk about the origin of Danish pastry first. Judging by the name of Denmark, many people may think that Danish pastry originated from the country of Denmark, but actually originated from Vienna. At that time, Denmark was not as multi-layered as it is today. With the marriage of Marie Anthony to France, Danish bread with multi-layered taste was formed. Dough crisping machine is a professional machine to make crisp bread, many food manufacturer adopts this kind of machine to produce high quality Danish pastry. Then let’s check how to make yummy Danish pastry by your own at home.

How to make Danish pastry at home?
First, let’s check what raw material should you prepare.
High-gluten flour: 400g
Low-gluten flour: 100g
Sugar: 80g
Salt: 10g
Fresh yeast: 20g
Eggs: 25g
Water: 220g
Butter: 50g
Flaky Butter: 250g

Steps to making Danish pastry
1. Pour all the ingredients into the mixing bowl and mix until the basic extension is behind.
2. Relax Danish dough in a spheronization chamber for 15 minutes, then put it in the freezer.
3. Roll the flaky butter to the width of the dough, the length is 1/3 of the length of the dough, and then refrigerate.
4. Wrap the frozen dough with fat.

5. Roll the dough to 40% off once and 30% off once, and let it rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
6. Finally roll to a thickness of 0.4 cm (approximately 28 * 70 cm in length and width).
7. Divide the rolled Danish dough into 10 * 28 cm isosceles triangles.
8. Roll from back to front, roll to the middle, roll up loosely to prevent gluten from breaking during baking.
9. Put in proofing box at 30 ℃, 75% humidity, and ferment for 60 minutes.
10. Fermented well, brush egg liquid on the surface.
11. Heat at 195 ° C, lower at 185 ° C, and bake for 16 minutes.

Common problems when we make Danish pastry
Danish dough and shortening, why do you fold it after cooling?
Danish bread has two characteristics of pastry pie and bread, with a crispy crust and a soft texture that pie does not have. After baking, a layer of pastry pie is formed. These characteristics of bread making come from the harder yeast dough and shortening folded into it. The dough and shortening are folded in layers, and the dough wraps the fat in it.
At this time, the dough is sufficiently cooled so that the fat and the dough have the same hardness, and cooling at the same temperature is the most important point. By adjusting the hardness and temperature of the dough and grease, subsequent folding steps can be made more convenient. That is, if the ductility of the dough is in the same state as the plasticity of the fat, the fat can also be stretched at the same time as the dough is stretched, so that the fat can be evenly spread.

When baking Danish bread, why the bread does not swell and has no layered texture?
This is a common problem in all folded dough. Because the folding conditions are not good enough to form a beautiful layer. In particular, when the hardness of the dough is different from that of the fat folded into it, the fat layer in the dough is uneven, some sticks to the dough, or some parts of the fat are abnormally large, and the balance bar between the dough and the fat is damaged, and it cannot form beautiful Levels.
In other words, if the ductility of the dough is not consistent with the plasticity of the fat, the fat sandwiched between the dough cannot be stretched simultaneously with the dough. This is a common condition especially when the grease is too hard. After the fat is combined with the hardness of the dough to soften it slightly, the plasticity of the fat becomes better, which can solve this problem.
Another big reason is that the final fermentation temperature after the dough is shaped is too high. When the temperature of the final fermentation is higher than the melting point of the oil and fat in the folded dough, the oil will melt and flow out.